Kiekvieną vasarą imu ir užsisvajoju apie jos būsimas linksmybes. Dažniausiai pusė tų linksmybių net neįvyksta, tačiau svajojimas ir planavimas tampa gana svarbia jos dalimi ir savotišku malonumu. Šią vasarą vėl planuoju suorganizuoti ką nors įdomaus trumpo grįžimo į tėviškę proga. O šiuo kartu - pasigrožėkime pastelinėmis gėlėmis, romantiškais peižažais ir lengvomis klostėmis. O gal pasisemsite įkvėpimo ir saviems vasaros vakarams.
At the beginning of every summer I get inspired to plan some festivities for me and the friends. Sometimes it goes well, other times things don't go as planned, but overall I really enjoy the process. Which is looking for pretty pictures of outdoor activities, food and apparel. Wishing my summer was picture-perfect. I hope you too may be inspired by this combination.
At the beginning of every summer I get inspired to plan some festivities for me and the friends. Sometimes it goes well, other times things don't go as planned, but overall I really enjoy the process. Which is looking for pretty pictures of outdoor activities, food and apparel. Wishing my summer was picture-perfect. I hope you too may be inspired by this combination.
Source: Souvenirs