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Showing posts from June, 2012

Incredibly Elaborate Photographs by Sandy Skoglund

Decades before Photoshop was available, American artist Sandy Skoglund started creating surrealist images by building incredibly elaborate sets, a process which took months to complete. Her works are characterized by an overwhelming amount of one object and either bright, contrasting colors or a monochromatic colour scheme.  The Cocktail Party 1992  Fox Games 1989  Revenge of the Goldfish 1981  Raining Popcorn 2001  Breeze at Work 1987  The Green House 1990 Squirrels at the Drive-In 1991 Source: My Modern Met

Middle Aged Women in 1960's

 Colourful, seemingly happy and elegant looking middle aged american ladies of the 1960's. I will try to find how the Lithuanian dames looked during that period.  Source:

The "French" Sleeping Beauty (2011)

This film is a coming of age story presented as a pretty and sparkly fairy tale. Much like ' Valerie and Her Week of Wonders '  of which I already wrote on here about a year ago. Although this film is sexier and less dark than Valerie, it still surely is very provocative.  Directors and authors seem to really like to peruse the story of the Sleeping Beauty, possibly for its vast potential for eroticism and sexual violence. (Did you know that in original tale the princess is raped while sleeping and wakes up only from giving birth? Pretty creepy).  The plot goes like this. A princess is cursed at birth by the wicked witch. Her air-headed fairy godmothers save her life, instead sending her off into a hundred year slumber during which she dreams vividly and lives a full life in her dreams. In the dreamland she ventures into unknown to rescue a friend from the evil Snow Queen, visits a castle of Albino Prince and Princess, and befriends a gypsy gir...

How To Kiss Properly in 1942

Love Will Tear Us Apart

Girls, cats and flowers. What more can you wish for? My job here is done.   Susanna and The Magical Orchestra - Love Will Tear Us Appart   Sources: Souvenir, Girls on Floral tumblr,  

Summer Inspiration

Kiekvieną vasarą imu ir užsisvajoju apie jos būsimas linksmybes. Dažniausiai pusė tų linksmybių net neįvyksta, tačiau svajojimas ir planavimas tampa gana svarbia jos dalimi ir savotišku malonumu. Šią vasarą vėl planuoju suorganizuoti ką nors įdomaus trumpo grįžimo į tėviškę proga. O šiuo kartu - pasigrožėkime pastelinėmis gėlėmis, romantiškais peižažais ir lengvomis klostėmis. O gal pasisemsite įkvėpimo ir saviems vasaros vakarams. At the beginning of every summer I get inspired to plan some festivities for me and the friends. Sometimes it goes well, other times things don't go as planned, but overall I really enjoy the process. Which is looking for pretty pictures of outdoor activities, food and apparel. Wishing my summer was picture-perfect. I hope you too may be inspired by this combination.  Source: Souvenirs  

Princess Diana in Magazine Covers

Šiuo metu Didžioji Britanija skendi pompastiškoje Karalienės deimantinio jubiliejaus atmosferoje, visur pilna vėliavėlių ir Elžbietos bei princo Filipo kaukių. Kaip, kad mano draugė, pastebėjusi vieną itin išpuoštą vitriną tarstelėjo: "The Queen has exploded - Karalienė sprogo". Aš nesiskundžiu - visgi keturios laisvos dienos. O tuo tarpu pasižiūrėkime į kitos ne mažiau žymios karališkos šeimos asmenybės nuotraukų retrospektyvą.  While we are having Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations at the moment, I opted paying a tribute to another British royal - Princess Diana. Let's look at her magazine cover evolution.